Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What I'm Lovin' Wednesday!!

It's that time again, and I must say... I am needing this weekly dose of positivity!! This is a struggle, but God is going to give it to me.. I just know it! SO, I am going to breathe deeply and go for it...

I'm loving....... The AMAZING 72 degree weather we have been given today! Thank you Lord! It is perfection. My perfect Radnor lake day.

I'm loving....... Being blessed with Amy and Sara in my life! (as well as their awesome parents). They are such a joy to be around, and have provoked MUCH needed laughter in my life. I can't wait to see them again and sit on the "bottom" ... Bon Jovi!! :) These girls are dedicating their whole lives to serving God in Greece soon... and I could not admire them more.

I'm loving...... Fun girl weekends with my best friend! Which include pedicures, window shopping, Whole/Foods and Trader Joe's, Gilmore Girls, and yummy Indian food.

I'm loving...... Apple products :) And yes... I took this picture with my iPhone....

I'm loving...... making a really bad lunch with Lora last Wednesday... Trust me. You don't want this recipe. It was so horrible, we did not even want to give it to the DOG!!!

I'm loving...... my monthly dinners with the Rachel's and Jen. Love them. I am also loving that Jen and I are so close after knowing each other... well... FOREVER :)

I'm loving...... that even after everything happened yesterday and I cried and cried... God still blessed me with silliness in myself. I am also LOVING that I was not in my car when it got smashed into!

I'm loving ..... The promise of a day without pain, sorrow, and tears. Oh Lord how I can not wait for that day. But until than... I will wait for you to come in my life, and speak to me.

I'm loving ..... The blessing of reading others blogs and what they are loving on Wednesdays. Such a pick me up!

What are you loving? That was not so hard... and I already feel a tad better :)


  1. Thank you for sharing Tash!! The best is yet to come! Just keep praising HIM in all the storms, the quiet times, and the good will be blessed as you are a blessing to many! You really are already blessed...the child of the King of kings! These are not just words!!! You have a perfect Father that has always taken care of you, and has always been by your side. Love you!

  2. When did you take these pics?? :o)

  3. The lunch LOOKS good! lol

  4. the bad recipe picture cracked me up!!!

  5. Thanks for leaving me a comment on my blog. I am so happy to find another blogger that lives here-that made my day! Of all my bloggy friends I have found no one else. I am now a follower!!!

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog. I love your girls day photos and the frames they are in. Very cute.

  7. ugh. that lunch was the pits.
    you forgot to mention us picking out every.piece of fresh mozzarella. lol.

  8. Lovin all the comments. Thanks guys :) Seriously.. if a recipe ever has you put tons of lemon juice in it... don't.

  9. I'm loving you!! thank you for being wonderful and a great listening ear always. You are the best. You were my very first friend all those years ago :)

  10. Thanks for the past comments! and for following me. you're awesome!

  11. I am jealous of your weather.

    I love watching Gilmore Girls!

  12. Hey girl! Thanks so much for the words of encouragement! It's so nice to know that I have good people like you praying for me. I'm very thankful we're "blog friends." :) Hope you're having a great week. God bless.
