Monday, April 11, 2011

Change is Hard

Just some random thoughts going through my head right now. I will tag my WARNING: HORRIBLE BLOGGER ALERT to this one too. Although, I must add that this post shamelessly reflects my eagerness of devouring the Graham Cook CDs I received in the mail today from my dear from Em today. If you are reading this Emily THANK YOU!!

Sometimes I want to skip the change process in me. I want to go straight from A right to Z. Skip all the hard stuff in between. Am I the only one? At times I even think.. I rather not even change. I rather just sit here, be the same, be disobedient, and really just be stupid than to go through the sweat, blood, and tears that the change process sometimes provokes. Why do we resist change? Why are we just so used to be miserable or so absorbed in our baggage? In reality how brilliant can it be to be involved in a change process? There can be joy and pleasure, and even LAUGHTER in this journey. To leave something behind that you don't like about yourself. Where wonder and glory can open up to you! The lavish gifts God has waiting for you in your change. The process is what makes our lives so rich. Without the process, would we really be the same people? Would we appreciate the change and works done inside us? Is it easy? Nope. Let's just be honest for a bit. It would be SO much better if it was right? Probably not... but the alive self me thinks it would be. Because, every time we say yes to Jesus we have to say no to something else. Hard. Plain and simple, but if we can see how much we gain at the end (and we can!), and how we are so beautiful to Him... maybe we would be more willing to go through the change process. To shed our baggage and leave it all behind. After all, "Perfect love casts out ALL fear".

"We need to be present- future in our relationship with God not present past. We need to learn how to walk with God now with an eye on who we are becoming. God is developing us all the time. Everything God does is relational. He uses all situations all people to teach us how to become like Jesus. God has already dealt with my past beautifully and wonderfully "(Graham Cook)

Is God changing anything in you right now? Have you ever not wanted to let Him change you because of how hard and painful it can be? Trust me I have. I can also tell you that it is SO freeing and lovely to break from that, but it is something I struggle with ALL the time. All goes along with my inkling of disobedience.

1 comment:

  1. Change can be very difficult! And is so much more difficult when we are doing the work rather then allowing the Holy Spirit to do it through us. It becomes a real struggle when we do not release our will to HIM. Is it trust? Control? Maybe both? Even when we choose to allow HIM to take over...HE still has to do it to truly free us of the work. Knowing the difference between us working and HIM working through us for me still requires asking the Spirit to just fill me up, break my will, take over, and help me handle what that involves...because as you said...change is hard. Thanks so much for sharing Tash!! Love reading your blogs. Love you!!
