Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thursday's 10: Being Single is NOT a Disease

So Thursday's 10 is going to look a tad different today. I am going to tell you a story first... get ready!! Also, check out my lovely Lora's blog as I am linking this up with hers!

Story time! In the past weeks, I have had so many people (all on their own might I add you) feel sorry for me. Since most of these conversations were by texting, I received more of a virtual pat on the head. One you might see given to a sad little puppy dog. Do I look like a dog? If you are my enemy, please do not answer that question. Let me give you an example of a texting conversation I had with a good guy friend I went to high school with several weeks ago(sorry if you are reading this....yes i am using you as blog bait. hate me?):
FRIEND: "So, are you dating anyone yet"
ME: "The answer is the same it was when you asked me 3 days ago. No, I am not"
FRIEND: "I am so so sorry. I just feel horrible for you, and I wish there was something I could do"
ME: "Um, excuse me?"
FRIEND: "You are just too pretty of a girl to be single. You are amazing, and it seems like you are a waste of an awesome, and beautiful girl. It's just a waste of a life Tash"
ME (boiling, bubbling, fuming, and any other word that reminds you of fire and the color red.. but not the good red): "WHAAAAAAAAATTTT. You can not be serious"
FRIEND: "Why would I not be serious? It is true. A girl like you does not need to be alone. It is a waste, and I hate to see you live this kind of life. You are alone"
ME: "First of all, being single is not a disease! It is not a horrible life, I do not cry myself to sleep all night. There is nothing wrong with being single, and I have an amazing life, that I am very thankfully. Lastly, I am going to stop talking to you for a little bit, because if I don't I will drive to your house and punch you in the face"
This was not my first encounter with conversations such as this (but it I had to take several breathes to chill out after speaking with him). As I have been in a few relationships, I have also been single at times as well. Although, these conversations are getting more and more. I thought Harding was bad about this (and believe me... it was), but something about being 25 is making it worse. People are so concerned about me. Is it wonderful being in a relationship with someone you love? Well, sometimes. Is it lonely being single? Well, sometimes. Can you find true joy and happiness in both situations? Yes. yes. yes. oh and yes again! Honestly, I would be irked with this single or not. I know most of my readers are NOT single, and this is honestly not a post about man hating, or being pro single or not. It is how you can be happy and have joy WHEREVER you are in life. Single, married, divorced, separated, whatever... you can have a full life in any season. Bad or good. Now for 10 random quotes about life, some apply to this post and some do not. Who cares really? Obviously, not me :) Really this post was just an excuse to tell you a story, so IF YOU MUST.. you can skip the quotes :). Find joy today... single or not. No matter where you are... there is a plan, and you are not a waste of a beautiful life... get on with it!

1."My advice to you is not to inquire why or whither, but just enjoy your ice cream while it's on your plate"--Thornton Wilder

2. “People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone.”
- Audrey Hepburn

3."Everybody wants to be fancy and new. Nobody wants to be themselves. I mean, maybe people want to be themselves, but they want to be different, with different clothes or shorter hair or less fat. It's a fact. If there was a guy who just liked being himself and didn't want to be anybody else, that guy would be the most different guy in the world and everybody would want to be him."
— Donald Miller

4.“It is true that God may have called you to be exactly where you are. But, it is absolutely vital to grasp that he didn't call you there so you could settle in and live your life in comfort and superficial peace…God doesn't call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust Him so completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will be in trouble if He doesn't come through”
- Francis Chan

5.The unoccupied fields of the world await those who are willing to be lonely for the sake of Christ.
-Samuel Zwemer

6.“Think about it. If you are single, after graduation there isn’t one occasion where people celebrate you … Hallmark doesn’t make a “congratulations, you didn’t marry the wrong guy” card. And where’s the flatware for going on vacation alone?" -Carrie Bradshaw

7.Meredith Grey: Intimacy is a four syllable word for, "Here's my heart and soul, please grind them into hamburger, and enjoy."

8.Everyday brings a chance for you to draw in a breath, kick off your shoes and dance.

9."Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted according to the graces we have received and let us not be ashamed or slow to do the humble work" Mother Teresa

10. If I discover within myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.
-C.S. Lewis


  1. So I'm loving your blog! I agree...being with someone doesn't define who you are...YOU define who you are. I have always made that my goal, single or attached.

    Also your playlist is almost identical to my itunes. I'm so glad someone else out there has music like me!!! Love your meredith grey quote. (i'm a grey's freak)

    Happy Thursday! :)

  2. OMG AMEN! I totally feel you. Everyone thinks being single is such a bad thing...and if you are single then something must be wrong. I don't get it. I love being single and everything that goes with it.

    Oh and i would stop talking to that guy, too.

  3. omgosh, *i* will go punch that guy for you. geeeeeez.

    love the quotes. a lot :D

  4. (ps, i didn't even MEET anthony until i was 26. people who think you're 25, single and hopeless are dumb. believe me, i encountered the same group)

  5. This is your cousin Doug. I don't think being single is a disease. Right now I'm enjoying being single (except cleaning the house by myself and making dinner for myself.) I don't miss fighting about the bills or sharing a bathroom. Of course right now I'm sick as a dog and have no one to pamper me. The cats are trying their best, but have yet to learn how to make chicken soup. Every one that wants to date me is almost young enough to be my child (at least prom baby.) Maybe I should look for money instead of love. It hurts less.
    Love ya my little Ta Ta!!!

  6. You get the question about you being single...I get the question about when I am going to have kids. Everyday I get asked so you married, I say yes. Do you have kids, I say no. How long have you been married, I say almost 7 years. They say isn't it time for you to start having kids. 7 years has been long enough hasn't it. I mean yes I want kids and yes 7 years has been a while but I am in school trying to get my life together before I have kids and even when I tell people that they say you can do both. Being single is fine as long as you are enjoying your friends, family, and your life. I have a term for people who think they know stuff...the term is "guru" so you have a "marriage guru" on your hands, lol!

  7. What a weirdo! Single and a former Harding student!?!? Who does that?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. (Edit)
    I survived the Harding marriage factory single and loving it. Friends and family for the win and if God sends a mate wahoo, if not wahoo.

    Enjoy life. Be yourself. Serve the Father

    PS. I liked the title so I read it. I would have punched the person in the face much sooner. You are nicer than I. :P

  10. Well said girl! I'm loving the quotes! Especially the one from Carrie Bradshaw! :)

  11. I have a single friend, not you of course, that believes that she will continue to "struggle" with her commitment to God until she finds a Godly man. Now there's a "disease"! It has nothing to do with being single, but instead using her singleness to excuse herself from putting God first in her life. It's even more sad to hear her wonder why that Godly man hasn't come along yet! Hello?!? Talk about someone needing a wake up slap! Anyway, being married comes with great joy, but also a lot of other responsibilities. I am happy to hear of your contentment! Reltionships aren't life problem solvers. I so badly wish my other single friend could use this time in her life to learn to glorify God!!

  12. Sooo true... If all we lived for was to find someone and get married.. we'd all be verrry disappointed/unsatisfied with life once the 'honeymoon' stage was over. If you can't find joy where you're at, good luck thinking another person in your life can 'fix' that.... Punch him in the face indeed, ha.

  13. thank you for ALL the comments! Seriously so fun reading what everyone has to say! Especially with this post. How about we all get together and slap him together!!?? :)

  14. THAT IS RIDICULOUS! Excuse me for saying this, but I would have slapped the shit out of him for real. I know it was a phone call but I would have found him and killed him. How rude. Great post!!!

  15. Just found your blog! That is crazy!! Some people are just do rude! Great post and I am loving your blog! :)

  16. wtf weird lol
    ah wow. haha nice post love!

    -Isha <3
