Monday, January 31, 2011

Confessions of an Egyptian...

Please watch the video above before reading...
The title of my blog right now seems so ironic seeing as what this post is about. Right now my heart is breaking. My heart is not just breaking because of this being where my mom is from and my family lives, but because a whole nation is in turmoil. People are dying, people are hurting. My heart is also breaking for all the hurtful things people are saying. I have seen and heard people voicing their opinions on this. Many do agree that there needs to be a change. Many have said they need to bomb the entire middle east. many are making light of this issue. Everyone has an opinion. People need to stop talking, and start listening. It is a beauty of this country that we can think, feel and express in the ways we want... but honestly, people are just speaking oh a whim. How about we start asking those who have lived there, or those who are living there what they want. We are trying SO hard to think about this from a Western point of view... that is not how things work over there. Americans can be so ignorant sometimes, and yes that includes me as well. I will be honest, I hate politics, but hearing everything that Hillary Clinton has to say only makes me laugh inside. I am sorry Hillary, no matter how powerful you are to us... do you really think that you, a white, Christian (we are all Christians to them), WOMAN from the U.S. is really going to make them listen to us? No way. This has nothing to do with being a Republican or Democrat.. I am neither. I with a heavy heart must point out, for those who really do not get this... not every Muslim in the Middle East is a terrorist. Sounds silly to even have to mention this, but alas because of people's long lasting ignorance and stupidity.. I do.

On a positive note, I do feel so blessed. My mom and I both have heard from so many in the form of phone calls, texts, and emails from people who care asking about our family. It is so appreciated in this time! My aunt was able to contact one of my uncles a few days ago, but my mom has not been able to talk to them. This should be a time to drive Christian's to their knees to pray.. not try to fix this or bash anyone. This should be a time for Christians, and non-christians alike to do anything OTHER then driving each other apart. Who really knows the right answer to this issue? (Links about the Nashville Egyptian community telling the paper and news how they feel: True Egyptians telling the Tennessean what they want.
Egyptians telling Channel 2 how they feel. ) I can assure you, that the average white American is not who really knows the answer. There are people over there dying, for what you and I have everyday. We might hate our government or our president... but we have never had to know what it is like to have the same president for 30 years. Bush haters.. can you imagine him for 30 years? Obama haters.. can you imagine the same? I know that God is in control of all of this. I have peace, but my heart still breaks for those who are hurting. I feel as though we need to stop trying to fix things. Stop trying to have an opinion. As I was sitting on the couch with my mom last night, watching tears come down her face watching the video of what is going on there, I could not help but think of all the people who came here (like my mom and her family) to escape the troubles and turmoil going on over there. Until one can be there themselves, they have no right to REALLY tell others what to do. Christians should be leaving this in God's hands... and Americans should be doing and helping in constructive ways. The Egyptians are fighting so hard for something they believe in... when was the last time you fought for what you believe in so hard? Or got up for your comfort of luxury and richness? If you had money for lunch today, or if you could walk across the street without hearing gun shots... count yourself blessed. My mom has always told me the story of remembering walking down the street with bombs going off. There may or may not come a time that we have to deal with this here, but most of us do not know how that feels. Talk to the ones that do know. If you don't feel led to help those over seas... no worries... we have enough pain and suffering in our own country.

More updates....

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