Saturday, March 12, 2011

Facebook: Making Jerks out of People Across the Globe

Have you ever had one of those days (weeks, hours, years.. whatev) when you just feel like everyone hates you, or is mad, or just plain annoyed with you? Those times when you try to call (text, email, Facebook, stalk, smoke signals... ) your friends, family, even significant other and they just seem to ignore you. You have said everything from , "hey what you doing this weekend" to "Can you do something this weekend" or even tried to ask them other specifics going on in their lives. They just won't answer you. True, like the heartless electronic generation we are, they have liked your Facebook (or Twitter God-forbid) status.. heck they even commented on your status and the 574 pictures you posted that day. But somehow, we seem to think we can just ignore each other (and not just say no) when we ask personal questions because of the fact we liked each others current status. Of course there are also those of us who think it is quite acceptable to never answer personal call and texts ( because those in themselves are sooo personal too ) just for the simple fact that every day we keep up with our close friends Facebook pages.. and for us that is enough. I mean really.. they should know we know everything in their lives via Facebook right??

Now in fairness, the electronic generation has made it easier to create boundaries. Such as not answering texts from people you do not like, that one is a personal favorite. As well as not answering Facebook post from them as well. I think we can all agree it is okay to not answer (or to forget) every single Facebook wall post ever written or posted on your wall. I mean who can keep up with 79,000 Facebook wall posts a day? I know. I know. I am SO popular. Prideful much?

See, I thought texting made us cowards, but now Facebook has brought it to a new level. When did it become SO hard for us to just say "No, sorry I can not do anything this weekend. How about next week, or never in a million years??" We can be creating a sort of lack in confidence within people. As teens, girls, and everyone else who possesses hormones within their bodies, cry themselves to sleep (if you can even sleep with so much rejection swimming around in your lives) every night because they are going through the "electronic" funk. Why does it always seem that no one answers at once? A conspiracy is out there being proven I am sure.

Of course as I sit here and pull the own plank out of my eye and ponder my love of caller I.D. and screening people's phone calls, turning my phone on silent, sticking it in my purse and not looking at it for 24 hours..... But that is another story for another day. ***

*** My phone is old, broken, and sucks. Therefore I can not be blamed for any of the above.

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