Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

SO.. I decided to jump on this band wagon :)

I'm loving this amazing weather and being able to run outside while blasting some Weezer in my ears! Today, it rained, but I won't complain!!! No frost is okay for me :)

I'm loving the fact that I got to work today, and this is what I saw:
No explanation needed on this shake weight.. right? :)

I'm loving having great company (good food/tv) during Heidi's nap.. and yes she tried the shake weight as well...

I'm loving how blessed I am to come to work to this every single day...

I'm loving wedding season and seeing friends in Indiana....

I'm loving watching Gilmore girls with my mom and best friend!

I'm loving my daily conversations with Em! God has brought us together and for that I am blessed!! (I know Liv is in this too.. :))

I'm loving getting to have dinner in Nashville with Robin Dover! She is so beautiful, and has blessed my life so much.

I'm loving my Father's mercy, faithfulness, love, and grace in my life! He is so good!

"God has infinite attention to spare for each one of us. He does not deal with us in the mass. You are as much alone with Him as if you were the only being He had ever created."

-C.S. Lewis


  1. What great things you are loving today!

  2. and i'm loving...YOU
    (and a good bit of this as well...)

  3. What a great day! Fun times! Great pics! Beautiful you! You are such a blessing! Thank you for blessing so many of us!

  4. Woot! I'm really glad you came up. And I like reading your posts friend :)
