Monday, March 14, 2011

My Own Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day!

Who has ever had ones of these days, Raise your hand ( I am just gonna go ahead and raise both of mine)!!?? Sunday was one of those days for me. It was just one of those days that EVERYTHING was going wrong. Everything from events happening, things with people, and my mood. Most of everything that happened is way to personal for me to post to my blog and to facebook . So, to maintain my privacy as well as those involved.. let me just say things were not going well. One thing I will mention however, have you even been betrayed by someone close to you? Lets even go a step further and say a family member? The age of facebook has made this even worse. The betrayals can now get shoved in your face electronically (see previous blog entry on facebook making jerks across the globe). Anyways, you think that family should be there for you and stick up for you, and most people's families do, mine however likes to pick and choose who they stand up for. Oddly enough, they stand up for the one that is in the wrong most of the time. Ladies and gentleman, I practiced some kick butt boundaries in this situation, which is the right thing to do, but as we all know "sometimes the hardest thing is the right thing". As, I was the only one standing up for me (other than my mother.. but I mean that is what mom's are for right?), it now can be lonely. That is okay though, I still fully intend to keep on practicing this new way of life that God has shown me.

On to the parts of my day Sunday that hopefully will be humorous in a few days... I fell down 2 separate sets of stairs yesterday. One is carpeted and I hit hard floor on the bottom. The other was outside and concrete. I don't just mean a little slip, but I mean an all out fall and bang. I believe I twisted every limb, bruised every area, and even have a knot on my arm. The first time I was just tired and not paying attention after my horrible nights sleep, and the other... I don't even know! Clumsy much? As if hurting my whole body (twice i might add) was not enough.. I also broke several picture frames when I fell. The real kicker though was i dropped a box full of breakables (all sentimental) and every single thing that could.. broke. Ladies, and Gents.. seal.your.boxes. One of the angels that broke head and arm was severed.. another lost her wings. Another valuable lost a leg. A chunk taken out of something else. I scrambled to find everything and could not. Mostly because I was sitting on the ground, in the rain, crying. What a baby. As I am not upset about things (they are just things) it is the sentiment I am sad about. The list of my bad day goes on, but I will refrain. All in all, I just want an important relationship to be okay (and be able to admit my own faults), and for forgiveness of the other situation to continue to take place on my part( as i don't believe those relationships will come back for the sake of my sanity and setting boundaries).

Now was this day the end of the world for me? Heck no. Will I live on for weeks thinking of this day? No. I know that there are so many people suffering (My Lord, Send Me post).. and Monday morning I have that back in perspective, but for that Sunday, my world was not going well. Sometimes we just need to acknowledge our bad day and cry and get it out, and know that in the morning God's mercy are new and everlasting. So today, I will get up, shake it off, move on and let God "Send Me". Thank the Lord for a brand new day !!!

*** Side note: Today I woke up to remember that SOME good did happen yesterday, and that is what I should be focused on now. Got a lot moved to the condo, got a package from my lovely friend Emily, found a paycheck I had lost from Feb (PRAISE GOD), realized I did have some people who cared, got to spend some "good/bad" TV girl time with my lovely friend Lora , who I also might add called me at the right time (thank you Holy Spirit), and last but not least.. all in all it drew me closer to my heavenly Father.. because after all sometimes a girl just needs to experience a Father's love!!


  1. You are so very loved yesterday, today and always! Thank you for sharing Natasha. Next time...ask for help!!! :o)

  2. You are NOT alone!!
